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Fees Explained:

The fee schedule is broken down into 2 types of websites (static and dynamic), and 3 types of fees (setup, hosting, and update fees).

Website Types:
  • Static: These are simple sites that don't require extra programming.

  • Dynamic: These are more complicated sites, including sites with user logins, sites where users can customize the layout of their "home page", sites that display a large number of items you sell, sites with a search box or shopping cart, or any site that requires the use of a database.
Fee Types:
  • Setup Fee: This is a one-time charge when we begin creating your site. In other words, it is the fee for creating your site.

  • Hosting Fee: This is a recurring monthly charge for keeping your site on our server, and maintaining its presence on the internet. It begins being charged after your site goes live on the internet.

  • Update Fee: This is a one-time fee for each improvement, addition, or change that you ask us to make to your website, after your site is live on the internet. (Of course, bug-fixes do not count as updates. Bug-fixes are free for life.)
Fees For Static Sites:
  • Setup Fee: $20.00 per web page.

  • Hosting Fee: $15.00 per month, or $75.00 for six months paid in advance.

  • Update Fee: $7.50 per web page, per request.
Fees For Dynamic Sites:
  • Setup Fees:
    • $10.00 per web page, plus
    • $10.00 per hour for dynamic programming, plus
    • $50.00 database setup charge, if your site requires a database.

  • Hosting Fee: $30.00 per month, or $150.00 for six months paid in advance.

  • Update Fees: billed at $10.00 per hour of work.
    • If you pay your hosting fees month by month, you get the first hour of updates per month free.
    • If you pay your hosting fees six months in advance, you get the first 2 hours of updates per month free.
Other Services:

If you don't already have a domain name, and you would like one, you may either register the domain yourself, or let us register it for you. If we register it for you, we will take care of the technical details like managing DNS records. There is a one-time $5.00 service fee for this, in addition to the price our domain registrar charges us to register your domain. We use GoDaddy.com as our registrar.

You may also choose not to have a domain name. We own the domain name webdes.co, and you may choose to have your site hosted as a subdomain of that domain. For example, if your web site name is FancyThings, you can have the URL FancyThings.webdes.co for your web site. There is no charge for this.

Even if you have a domain name, or you get one, you can still have a subdomain of webdes.co that will redirect users to your site. There is no charge for this either.

We also offer free advertising space on our webdes.co home page for all of our clients.


On the bottom of every page of the websites we create for our clients, we put a tiny, unobtrusive message that reads "Web Site designed and hosted by SimpleDesignsForSimpleMinds.com." It will be placed underneath your copyright notice and will be the same size text as the copyright notice at the bottom of this page.

We feel it is very important that we have this link back to our site on your sites, because it will improve our search engine rankings.

If you feel very strongly about NOT having this message at the bottom of your pages, you may opt out of this, but there will be a one-time $50.00 opt-out fee for removing it.


$12.99 .CA Domains from GoDaddy!
Now until 8-1-18, get 50% off database setup fee, if your site requires a database!
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